DIY Video Module Uses
China Factory Wholesale HD/IPS LCD Screen Video Module Components Electronic Parts for greeting cards, video brochures, hardbound video books, video boxes, video postcards and even video business cards. You can combine video, audio, and print to reach and WOW your target audience.
Vestibulum ac metus quis ipsum semper mollis accumsan sit amet nibh. Pellentesque vel tortor odio, imperdiet molestie nunc. Nunc libero erat, ullamcorper nec malesuada in, bibendum ac ligula. Sed pulvinar, quam non ultrices semper, est quam cursus diam, ac blandit velit leo sed turpis. Nullam non dui tellus, a cursus mi. Vivamus sed turpis nec tortor luctus rhoncus. Vivamus justo neque, pulvinar vitae tristique eu, fermentum vel augue.
About Funimprint
We specialise in the production of innovative, high quality and tactile printed marketing tools. We utilise cutting-edge printing techniques, enabling us to create the unusual and you to communicate your message in a uniquely different way. TV in a Card Video Brochures may include individual video select buttons, such as play/pause, volume up, volume down, mute, next video, previous video, fast forward, rewind, replay, on/off and slide show (of images).Video brochures (sometimes referred to as video cards, TV in a card, or video packs) provide a powerful platform on which to deliver a full multi-media presentation. By combining printed brochures with LCD screen technology, you can play and read your marketing message free of wires, internet access or security worries at any time and in any place.